online health and safety courses

Health and Safety e-Learning Courses

We’ve curated some of the best Health and Safety e-learning courses for UK businesses. These include interactive online training in procedures to ensure staff well-being and compliance in the workplace.

e-Learning on occupational H&S, office and fire safety, manual handling, environmental issues, asbestos awareness and more will help workplace managers and supervisors meet modern health and safety training requirements.

Trainees are shown how to establish a safe system of work, undertake risk assessments before commencing work, and how to use the equipment and systems put in place to control risks.

Popular Courses

Risk Assessment

Understand who may be at risk and why. Implement safety procedures and accurate recording.
COSHH training

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

Also known as COSHH. Learn about hazardous substances and keeping people and equipment safe.

Accident Reporting

Working in line with RIDDOR – Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013.

Accident Investigation

Effective accident investigation, including research, reporting and interviewing.

Behavioural Safety

Find an online course that helps improve behavioural safety habits, helping to ensure safe working conditions for staff and colleagues.

Asbestos Awareness

Online asbestos awareness training courses, including certification from UK governing bodies.