These 14 e-learning videos lasting over an hour make up one of the best online presentation skills training courses available.
- Basic Questions (05:21)
- Organizing (06:01)
- Opening (05:27)
- Closing (02:54)
- How to Make a Point (03:18)
- Punching Up Your Presentation (04:49)
- Creating Slides (06:51)
- Handouts (03:15)
- Audio Visuals (06:19)
- Right before the Presentation (04:59)
- Psyching Up (03:52)
- Handling Questions (05:05)
- Handling Distractions (03:05)
- After the Presentation (02:21)
Basic Questions
In this series, we’re going to help you conquer your fear of standing in front of an audience and giving a presentation. The way to conquer this fear is pretty simple: Preparation.
Listening is hard work. Your goal as a presenter is to organize the content in a way that makes it easy for the listener to pay attention and understand what you’re saying.
A good opening is all about getting off on the right foot. What are the goals of your opening? What types of openings are there? Watch this course to learn more.
The last thing we need to do in creating the presentation is the closing. The ending makes the difference. If you give a great presentation and blow the ending, you’ve lost the impact of the presentation. So what does that conclusion need to do, and how do you conclude?
How to Make a Point
There are four things you need to include in your presentation to ensure the listener hears your point.
Punching Up Your Presentation
Sometimes you will need to present a boring topic. Maybe it’s something like budget forecasting or employee benefits. What do you do? How do you keep people engaged? You need to punch it up!
Creating Slides
When giving a presentation, it’s likely going to include PowerPoint slides. A bad set of slides can turn the audience off and can distract from your content. A lot can be said about how to create effective slides, and this course will cover some of the most important tips.
Another thing we need to consider when designing presentation materials are the handouts. Even the best listeners aren’t going to hear and remember everything said during a presentation. Handouts help everybody remember the important information.
Audio Visuals
Unfortunately some people trust that wherever they’re presenting will have a reliable AV setup. Even if they have a state of the art set up, something can go wrong. Additionally, some content lends to particular audio visuals. It’s a better idea to have an AV plan rather than assume the location will accommodate your needs.
Right before the Presentation
Your preparation is finished, but now we need to start talking about what you need to do right before the presentation.
Psyching Up
When it comes time to give the presentation, how do we get psyched UP and not psyched OUT? The first thing to do is decide that nerves are good. We just need to learn to leverage them.
Handling Questions
We also need to strategize for the Q&A portion of your presentation. This can either be throughout the presentation or at the end, depending on how you have it organized. Here are some basic rules.
Handling Distractions
Distractions happen. You’ve got to deal with it. Every time there is a distraction, the audience will turn to see what it is. You need to understand that it’s your responsibility to manage the audience.
After the Presentation
Hooray! You’re done!! Right? Well, not exactly. What happens after the presentation?
Our view…..This abridged collection of 14 videos is an amazingly thorough set of e-learning modules to help you make compelling presentations in business, and reap the benefits from them. These e-learning videos offer a solid approach through preparation, creation, delivery and hand outs and handling questions. You will find these e-learning videos full of practical and tactical advice and we should never become complacent in making presentations, so useful to us all, even those experienced presenters.